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CJ1W-FLN22 - CJ PLC - Communication Units

  • Brand: Omron
  • Product Code: CJ1W-FLN22
Description: Communication units for CJ 2H/CJ2M series plc. The CJ-Series provides both standardised open networks interfaces, and cost-efficient high-speed proprietary network links. Datalinks between PLCs, or to higher-level information systems can be made using Serial or Ethernet links, or the easy-to-use controller Link network.
Description: Communication units for CJ 2H/CJ2M series plc. The CJ-Series provides both standardised open networks interfaces, and cost-efficient high-speed proprietary network links. Datalinks between PLCs, or to higher-level information systems can be made using Serial or Ethernet links, or the easy-to-use controller Link network.
  • Available Quantity: 0


  • Omron supports the 2 major field networks, DeviceNet and PROFIBUS-DP. For high-speed field I/O, Omron's own CompoBus/S offers an unsurpassed ease of installation. Fully user-configurable Serial and CAN-based communication can be used to emulate a variety of application-specific protocols.

    EtherNet/IP units provide data link functions to share large amounts of data between PLCs. The new PROFINET-IO controller together with the SmartSlice modular I/O system offers ethernet-based I/O with controller- and network redundancy.

  • #### CX-OneCX-One software allows users to build, configure and program a host of devices such as PLCs, HMIs and motion-control systems and networks using just one software package with one installation and license number. This greatly reduces the complexity of the configuration and allows automation systems to be programmed or configured with minimal training.#### Sample Code LibraryCheck out the [sample code library](https://automation.omron.com/en/us/support/resources/sample-code/) created by our technical experts to help you speed up your projects across the entire spectrum of automation technologies. Here you can find function blocks and application-specific code for a variety of applications across industries such as automotive, food and beverage packaging, and more.

Max. expansion



Mounts on CJ1W-SCU2x module

Max. expansion


# of nodes or words unit supports

254 nodes

Connector type


  • DataSheet

  • CAD
